Curriculum Introduction
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  • Curriculum Introduction
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    Students for each year, from freshmen to seniors, are grouped in small classes where they engage in classwork and, under the instructor's passionate tutelage, actively participate in discussions and give presentations.
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    As a traditional law department, we focus on teaching basic legal coursework from a student's very first year, including study of Constitutional Law, Civil Law, and Criminal Law.
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    We also provide a solid foundation in political science and economics resulting in the perfect curriculum for those who are planning to work in civil service or finance.
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    Students enter either the Program for Advanced Studies or the Program of Study in Law and Public Policy. In the former Program, three small classes are provided, each enabling students to study their areas of specialization. It may be possible for students to transfer to another program of study by considering which program best fits their career interests and goals.
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    The requirements within courses and for advancement are set based on a step-by-step learning system.
    We have established a system where course credit exchange is possible with Kumamoto Prefectural University and Kumamoto Gakuen University so that students can experience a broader range of study.
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    We actively support students in their search for jobs and we certify credits for internships at government agencies and leading companies in Kumamoto that provide vocational experience. In addition, we offer a Vocational Selection and Self-Actualization lecture to second-year students to nurture a sense of career awareness in students early on.
  • Legal Civil Service Model
  • Corporate Legal Model
  • Legal Professional Model
  • Policy-Related Civil Service Model
  • Corporate Policy Model
  • Syllabus